English Tables of Contents / English Quotations

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Index der englischen Inhaltsverzeichnisse und Texte zu den Literaturquellen
"Verfolgung der Zeugen Jehovas im Nationalsozialismus und in der SBZ / DDR"

March 2008
www.standfirm.de / www.jwhistory.net
English publications list...

Contents / Inhaltsverzeichnisse (in Arbeit / under construction)

Garbe, Detlef (2008)
Hesse, Hans
(ed., 2001)
Schmidt, Hermine (2005)
Schmidt, Horst (2005)
Religion, State and Society. Special Issue: Jehovah’s Witnesses under two Dictatorships, Vol 34, Issue 2 (2006)

Quotations, texts / Zitate, Texte (in Arbeit / under construction)

Besier, Gerhard / Besier, Renate-Maria (2003)
Chu, Jolene (2004)
King, Christine (book review, 2001)
Morsch, Günter (2005)
Pohl, Willi K. (2005) (also in French, Polish, and Russian)
USHMM (pdf)
Wilson, Bryan (2001)
Wrobel, Johannes (Holocaust, 1997)
Wrobel, Johannes (Wrobel-Singelenberg, 2003)
Yonan, Gabriele (Journal, 1999)


jwhistory research & studies
A Private Non-Profit Initiative, 1996–2008, by jswrobel
