Horst Schmidt:
Always Came on Mondays. Persecuted for refusing to serve
in the Nazi army.
An autobiography. Edited by Hans
Hesse. Gramma Books, Copenhagen, 2005. 
Introduction - 7
I. Danzig: The Arrest - 13
II. Berlin-Alexanderplatz - 18
III. Berlin-Moabit - 26
IV. On Trial in Danzig - 37
V. Berlin- Moabit Again - 41
VI. Berlin-Tegel - 58
VII. Exterior Commando - 71
VIII. Facing the Peoples
Court - 75
IX. Brandenburg-Görden:
Deaths Waiting-Room - 92
X. My Second Life - 101
Epilogue - 110
Hans Hesse: "The
Bible Often Enough Emphasizes the Duty to Resist an
Authority That Is Against Gods Will." An
outline of the persecution of Jehovahs Witnesses
under Nazism - 113
Picture Section - 145
References - 152
Internet Addresses, With Comments 155

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