Religion, State and Society
(The Keston Journal (Routledge Tylor & Francis Group, ISSN 0963-7494) Volume 34, Issue 2, 2006 Special Issue: Jehovahs Witnesses under two Dictatorships This issue of Religion,
State & Society brings together the work of four
British and German scholars who have conducted research
in recent years on the experiences of Jehovahs
Witnesses in the Third Reich and the German
Democratic Republic (GDR). Free online access to this
article/ Ordering single issues: CONTENTS PHILIP WALTERS: Editorial (page 85) Notes on Contributors (page 87) JOHANNES WROBEL: Jehovahs
Witnesses in National Socialist Concentration Camps, 1933
45 (page 89) HANS-HERMANN DIRKSEN: All Over the World Jehovahs Witnesses are the Touchstone for the Existence of True Democracy: Persecution of a Religious Minority in the German Democratic Republic (page 127) MIKE DENNIS: Surviving the Stasi: Jehovahs Witnesses in Communist East Germany, 1965 to 1989 (page 145) JOHANNES WROBEL: Jehovahs Witnesses in Germany: Prisoners during the Communist Era (page 169) ANNEGRET DIRKSEN: Children of Jehovahs Witnesses under Two Dictatorships (page 191) |