Englische Texte, Zitate und Veröffentlichungen auf jwhistory-Webseiten![]() * "jwhistory websites" means English texts, quotations and publications presented on the homepages following below. "jwhistory research & studies, 1996-2008, and today" and "lilawinkel.de – jwhistory" are private non-commercial online initiatives and collections by Johannes S. Wrobel in Germany (jswrobel, jw). For the meaning of "jwhistory", please see here. www.lilawinkel.deContent of the Websites: German and English manuscripts of publications and presentations (talks) by the author between 1996 and 2008. www.jwhistory.netContent of the Websites: English Quotations, table of contents, and other sources. ✔ http://www.jwhistory.net/english/english-resources.htm – English Tables of Contents and Quotations. ✔ http://www.jwhistory.net/english/wrobel-holocaust1997.htm – "How the Watchtower History Archive in Germany Benefits Holocaust Research", Lecture given at Symposium 'Lessons of the Holocaust and Modern Russia,' Moscow, May 5, 1997, by Johannes S. Wrobel (Germany). ✔ (1) http://www.jwhistory.net/english/wrobelRSG1-03abstract.htm – English abstract of German article, "Die Verfolgung der Zeugen Jehovas im Nationalsozialismus – Rezeption, Rezension, Interpretation", by Johannes S. Wrobel, in: Religion - Staat - Gesellschaft (RSG). Journal for the Study of Beliefs and Worldviews, published by Gerhard Besier / Hubert Seiwert, Duncker & Humblot Berlin, vol. 4, no. 1 (2003), pp. 149-150. ✔ (2) http://www.jwhistory.net/english/wrobel-singelenberg2003.htm – Johannes S. Wrobel: Reaction to Singelenberg, in: Religion - Staat - Gesellschaft (RSG), Berlin, vol. 4, no. 1 (2003), pp. 157-159. ✔ http://jwhistory.net/english/garbe2008.htm – Table of Contents: Detlef Garbe, Between Resistance and Martyrdrom. Jehovah's Witnesses in the Third Reich, published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, WI, 2008, USA. ✔ (1) http://www.jwhistory.net/english/hesse2001.htm – Table of Contents: Hans Hesse (editor), Persecution and Resistance of Jehovah’s Witnesses During the Nazi-Regime 1933–1945. Edition Temmen, Bremen 2001. ✔ (2) http://www.jwhistory.net/english/king-review2001.htm – Book Review of Persecution and Resistance of Jehovah's Witnesses during the Nazi Regime 1933-1945, (Hans Hesse, 2001) by Professor Dr. Christine King, Staffordshire University, England, published in Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte (KZG) / Contemporary Church History (CCH), 14. Jahrgang / Volume 14 – Heft / Issue 2/2001, pages 576-578. ✔ http://www.jwhistory.net/english/yonan-journal1999.htm – Table of Contents: Gabriele Yonan, Spiritual Resistance of Christian ConPersecution and Resistance of Jehovah's Witnesses during the Nazi Regime 1933-1945, viction in Nazi Germany: The Case of the Jehovah's Witnesses,> in: Journal of Church & State, Spring 1999, pp. 307-322; including "THE DECLARATION OF 25 JUNE 1933: A TEXTUAL ANALYSIS", page 318. Complete English text. ✔ http://www.jwhistory.net/english/rss2-2006.htm – Table of Contents: "Special Issue: Jehovah’s Witnesses under two Dictatorships", Religion, State and Society,, Volume 34, Issue 2, 2006. ✔ http://www.jwhistory.net/english/wrobel-concentration-camps2006.htm (Abstract and Summary) – Johannes S. Wrobel: Jehovah's Witnesses in National Socialist concentration camps, 1933 - 45. Religion, State and Society, Volume 34, June 2006 - Issue 2 , pp. 89-125. Publisher: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09637490600624691. Complete text. ✔ Publisher: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09637490600624824 – Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany: Prisoners during the Communist Era, by Johannes S. Wrobel. Religion, State & Society, Volume 34, 2006 - Issue 2, pp. 169-190. Complete text. ✔ http://www.jwhistory.net/text/lilawinkel1999.htm – Chronik/Chronicle, excerpt from the German and English edition of Purple Triangles–"Forgotten Victims" of the Nazi Regime Guide to the Historical Exhibition, a publication of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Wallkill, New York, U.S.A., May 2023 Printing. | Lila Winkel - die "vergessenen Opfer" des NS-Regimes. Die Geschichte eines bemerkenswerten Widerstandes. Begleitheft zur Ausstellung. Herausgegeben von der Wachtturm-Gesellschaft, Selters / Taunus 1999, 2003, Juli 2024. Read online or download: English: JW.org/en | German: JW.org/de. ✔ Historical: Former title pages of www.jwhistory.net (until 2008 and thereafter [changed 2019/2020]) containing English information text about the website. The later one mentions the weblinks used between the German Wikipedia site and jwhistory.net. www.standfirm.deContent of the Websites: Conference at the University of Heidelberg location, November 3-5, 2000, with 17 speakers and conference proceedings “Repression and Self-assertion ...”, Book APPENDIX Online. ✔ http://www.standfirm.de/publications-revised.htm – English Publications on Persecution and Resistance of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nazi Germany and Communist Regimes, recorded until 2008 ✔ http://www.standfirm.de/internetlinks.htm – Collection of Internet links German | English (until 2008) [needs revision] ✔ http://www.standfirm.de/lilawinkel/declaration1933/declaration1933.htm – Jehovah's Witnesses and the "Third Reich" - NO Collaboration with Hitler or Nazis. Comments on the "Declaration of Facts" and the Berlin-Wilmersdorf assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses on June 25, 1933. ✔ http://www.jswrobel.de/english/overview-index.htm – about Events, publications, postings on Facebook and more - autobiographical visual overview in English and German (menu). ![]() |